DMPS College, Career & Educational Pathways Core Counseling
ASCA Standards
Materials & Resources
Identify likes/dislikes
Understand that jobs are for boys and girls.everyone. Identify basic careers found in school and in the community. Exposure to levels of education |
C:A1.2; C:B1.7 C:C1.1 |
"Cosmo Zooms" by Arthur Howard - DMPS Lesson Plan
Safe and Caring Schools Grades PreK-K p. 138 "When I Grow Up" by Mercer Mayer - DMPS Lesson Plan Safe and Caring Schools Grades PreK-K p. 138-139 Community Helper Pictures - DMPS Lesson Plan "Who Uses This" by: Margaret Miller |
Continue to identify likes/dislikes from school and home
Begin to identify a variety of occupations and gain an awareness of the different career clusters in which they belong Exposure to levels of education |
C:A1:3 C:B1.4 C:C1.1 |
"Matthew's Dream" by Leo Leoni - DMPS Lesson Plan
"When I Grow Up" by P.K. Hallinan - DMPS Lesson Plan What Would You Be? Activity - DMPS Lesson Plan |
Understand the connection between strengths/growth areas and future career choices
Develop a greater awareness of the skills people use in a variety of careers Exposure to levels of education, different post-secondary options |
C:C1.3 C:B2:1 C:B2.2 |
Exploring Personal Interests - DMPS Lesson Plan
Career Bingo - DMPS Lesson Plan Career Pathways - DMPS Lesson Plan Career Web Activity Sheet - DMPS Lesson Plan The School Counselor's Guide : Activity C-04 pg. 66 Careers Around School |
Understand the connection between personal interests, academic strengths, and growth areas
Explain what a career cluster is about and identify personal career choices within a career cluster Exposure to levels of education, degrees/certificates, and cost of post-sec |
C:B1.2 C:C1.1 C:C1.3 C:A1:3 C:B1.4 C:C1.1 |
"Ziggy's Bue Ribbon Day" by Claudia Mills - DMPS Lesson Plan
The School Counselor's Guide Activity C-13 pg77 "Who Am I?" - DMPS Lesson Plan Share your personal educational path poster and discuss what it means. It might not be a stand alone lesson but should be integrated when addressing other career lessons; Access college websites to explore post-sec options |
Explain the connection between personal and academic abilities, interests, and hobbies in relation to personal career interests
Continue to explore different career interests within each of the career clusters Begin to develop awareness of and aspirations for future educational opportunities |
C:B1.2 C:C1.1 C:C1.3 C:C2.1 C:A1:3 C:B1.4 C:C1.7 |
Strengths activity sheet - DMPS Pinterest Board
Career Cluster - Bureau of Labor Statistics Fourth Grade Career Lessons - DMPS Lesson Plan Fourth Grade Career Lessons - DMPS Lesson Plan Paws In Jobland |
Continue to relate personal interests, hobbies, and academic abilities to different careers
Continue to develop awareness of and aspirations for future educational opportunitiesn |
C:B1.2 C:C1.1 C:C1.3 C:C2.1 C:C1.7 |
Building Resiliency Activity 1 p. 161-162
Career Cluster - Bureau of Labor Statistics New York Career Zone Website Exploring My Career Zones - DMPS Lesson Plan McJobs - DMPS Lesson Plan O-Net Website Where Do I Fit - DMPS Lesson Plan |